Best wishes and Thank You from

Just wishing to extend our gratitude and greatfullness for this upcoming holiday that hopefully every veteran is remember current and past and a happy Thanksgiving to soliders in the field and secondly thank this great country for allowing us to celebrate the day we give thanks for all of us to speak freely and walk the streets without the threat of the government beating us up asking for proper documentation.  Last but not least our customers who’s loyalty is greatly appreciated to the Maestro Wu brand and our freehand mail in sharpening service. So in the end thank you all for making this country diverse and allowing us to practice our art and live our lives in peace. Bless everyone. The staff and CEO Kelly Bullman and general flunky jmbullman.  May your table be blessed, your family happy, keep the sick in our hearts and keep on keeping sharp. Peace and prosperity to all. Kelly and Jmbullman.





This is how picky I am.

In most cases this knife would pass the mustard with everything looking right, it shaves hair (on my arm) which I’m not supposed to do for health reasons. Right before this I had done 2 8.5 in chef knives, 2 sujihikis, a regular BO-2 and than this one a BO-2D Damascus and my gut tells me to start over even though it cuts heavy leather, goes through rope like butter but I’m just not happy and I don’t know why but I will resharpen this tomorrow after I pay my respects to the veterans who allow us to do what we do freely (within the law) and they are the real hero’s and maybe in my subconscious that’s why I’m redoing this knife because the past life solider in me tells me, “Bullman you know you can do it better, there’s no room for second place, do it like you know you can do not should do” as I walk away from the Stones that’s whispered in my ear from my subconscious or maybe the spirit of an old samurai like myself believe honor of your name is the legacy left behind and you instill in your children. Get it right till your happy not what most people would consider perfect but what you consider perfect.   My friends you now see me, how I think and how I feal about the knives I send to you and they would and will be perfect everytime. In the end is this OCD? Probably. Is it a yearning for happiness and pride since when this leaves my shop my name is forever instilled in it that answer is absolutely.  Thank you veterans for what you have done to make my way of life possible and thank you for installing somewhere down the road of past life the ever heart to make and do it right so there will be no question as if my friends life were depending on what I do freehand sharpening this beautiful handmade Maestro Wu 3.5 inch Damascus pocket knife and yes it will be treated in the bearings with Nano – oil since I always do and it’s going to a very cold climate. Here’s the pics of it now and tomorrow you will see the perfect pics of what I’m famous for, my freehand sharpened edges with no question if it’s perfect or not. Thank you again veterans. Jmbullman from


